Mission Statement

Quality. Comfort. Trust.

To improve the quality of our clients’ lives and rehabilitation through providing a personalised approach that is founded upon a philosophy based on expertise, trust, respect, and empathy.

The Orthopro Way

Individual care for you and your family/whanau.

Orthopro endeavours to create and foster health-enhancing environments for the individual client and their surrounding support systems including family/whanau and broader community links by:

  • Ensuring that the client’s needs and quality of life are our core focus;
  • Providing care options that are flexible, responsive, needs-based and focus on maximising the quality of life and control that our clients have over their ability to function independently;
  • Supporting those closest to our client through fostering enabling environments which engage, educate and encourage family/whanau, carers and broader community services to maximise the client’s quality of life and health/hauora.

High Quality Standards

We ensure that all our products are made to the highest standards.

Educated & Experienced Team

Our Orthotists Prosthetists are qualified and certified for the most advanced products on the market and have over 40 years of experience in fabricating and fitting orthotics and prosthetics.

Family Business

We are a 100% New Zealand owned and operated family business finding individual solutions for every client.


Our Orthotists Prosthetists are accredited members of New Zealand Orthotics & Prosthetics Association (NZOPA).

Orthopro Locations

Orthopro Locations


Clinic and Manufacturing Centre
Unit I, 47 Kenepuru Drive, Porirua

Clinic Hours: Monday – Friday 8.00am – 5.00pm

Phone: 04 238 4500


Proactive Physiotherapy
Level 4, 99 Rintoul Street Newtown 6021

Clinic Hours: Wednesday 9.30am – 4.30pm

Phone: 04 238 4500

Lower Hutt

Boulcott Specialist Centre
666 High Street, Lower Hutt 5010

Clinic Hours: Thursday 9.30am – 4.30 pm

Phone: 04 238 4500


Pacific Radiology Paraparaumu
150 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu 5032

Clinic Hours: Tuesday 9.30am -4.00pm

Phone: 04 238 4500


Clinic and Manufacturing Centre
Unit I
47 Kenepuru Drive, Porirua

Clinic Hours: Monday – Friday 8.00am – 5.00pm

Phone: 04 238 4500


Proactive Physiotherapy
Level 4
99 Rintoul Street
Newtown 6021

Clinic Hours: Wednesday 9.30am – 4.30pm

Phone: 04 238 4500

Lower Hutt

Boulcott Specialist Centre
666 High Street
Lower Hutt 5010

Clinic Hours: Thursday 9.30am – 4.30 pm

Phone: 04 238 4500


Pacific Radiology Paraparaumu
150 Kapiti Road
Paraparaumu 5032

Clinic Hours: Tuesday 9.30am -4.00pm

Phone: 04 238 4500

Refer A Patient

We are here to help you so please click on the button below to refer a patient or otherwise contact us to find out more about how we can assist you.

Refer A Patient

We are here to help you so please click on the button below to refer a patient or otherwise contact us to find out more about how we can assist you.

Our Services


Custom Orthotic Insoles

Accommodative, Functional, and Diabetic insoles to correct, protect, and off load pressure areas.

Customised and Orthopaedic Footwear

Custom-made and Off-the-shelf orthopaedic footwear and modifications to footwear to accommodate all types of foot conditions.

Orthotic Bracing

Custom and off-the-shelf supportive, corrective, and rehabilitation bracing from head to toe.

Compression Garment Therapy

Custom and Off-the-shelf garments to control Lymphoedema, Lipoedema, and Venous conditions.

Upper Limb Prosthetics

Arm, Hand, and Finger Prostheses using modern technologies with comfort in mind.

Lower Limb Prosthetics

Above and Below Knee and partial foot Prostheses using modern technologies with comfort in mind. 

Don't decrease there goal. Increase the effort!

– The7 Modern Business –

Why Work With Us


12 years of experience

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Modern equipment

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Praesent rutrum arcu sit amet tempus suscipit. Praesent faucibus orci risus, nec condimentum est auctor sit amet. Donec cursus felis in mollis molestie.

Donec et tincidunt nulla, eget volutpat tortor.

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Professional team

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Nam suscipit nisi sit amet nunc pretium pharetra. Aenean quis magna eros. Sed vehicula turpis non vestibulum faucibus.

Praesent faucibus orci risus, nec condimentum est auctor sit amet. Donec cursus felis in mollis molestie. Donec et tincidunt nulla, eget volutpat tortor – it nisi sit amet nunc pretium pharetra.

Our Partners


Praesent rutrum arcu sit amet tempus suscipit. Praeus orci risus, nec condimentum est auctor sit amet. Donec cursus felis in mollis molestie. Donec et tincidunt nulla, eget volutpat tortor.

Miriam Gray – regular customer

Lorem estibulum quis ebero id molestie orci risus, nec condimentum est auctor sit amet. Donec cursus felis in mollis molestie. Donec et tincidunt nulla, eget volutpat tortor.

John Doe – regular customer

Quis euismod orci, eget scelerid molestie bus orci risus, nec condimentum est auctor sit amet. Donec cursus felis in mollis molestie. Donec et tincidunt nulla, eget volutpat tortor.

Alex White – regular customer

Lorem raeus orci risus, nec condimentum est auctor sit amet. Donec cursus felis in mollis molestie. Donec et tincidunt nulla, eget volutpat tortor.

James Swift – regular customer

Our reputation is the proof!

– The7 Modern Business –

Our Team

Our Gallery


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