
In our workshops, experienced prosthetists produce individual solutions that can be used to replace non-existent, lost, or malformed body parts. These are arm prostheses or leg prostheses, so-called exoprostheses, placed on the outside of the body. During fabrication and fitting, we incorporate the latest findings and innovative techniques. Our prostheses meet the highest demands in terms of aesthetics, material, and workmanship as well as comfort, fit and functionality.

Upper Limb Prosthetics

If you had an upper limb amputation or if you or your child was born with a congenital arm or hand deformity, there are many prosthetic options for children, adolescents and adults available. Our options range from simple body-powered prosthetics, life-like cosmetic arms, sport and activity-specific prosthetics to standard myoelectric and high tech robotic prosthetic arms.

We are certified for all systems available on the New Zealand market and have extensive fitting experience with upper extremity prosthetics and myoelectrics.

Lower Limb Prosthetics

The gait of every person is different, as well as every artificial limb and socket that we fabricate.

At Orthopro we use state-of-the-art knee and foot systems, considering the personal requirements and demands of the prosthetic wearer. Our sophisticated socket technology creates the basis for the use of high-quality prosthetic components. Together with our clients, our specialists work to achieve the goal: the best possible gait, freedom of movement with the greatest possible comfort, so that you can continue on your way.

We have fitting experience with Hip and Knee Disarticulations, Transfemoral and Transtibial amputations, Rotationplasty, Symes, and Forefoot amputations.

Electronic Prostheses and Components

The further development and use of electronically and innovative bionic prostheses are increasing rapidly. There are many electronic components in prosthetics. They can give prosthetic wearers very dynamic fine-tuning of their motor skills or more safety when standing and walking: for example, in knee joints or in prosthetic feet. The sophistication of the electronics used in each individual case depends on the needs of the client and will be assessed by our experienced prosthetists.

Sports Prostheses and Running Blades

With specially made sports prostheses and running and sprinting blades, athletes and competitive athletes can achieve top performance today. But also, the recreational athlete and children can benefit from sports prostheses, which enable you or your child to participate in sports events and clubs.

Using innovative materials and complex bionic controls, the functionality of some models even exceeds the natural model. At Orthopro, these types of prostheses are individually tailored to the type of sport required so that dynamics and forces can be optimised.

Prosthetics for Children

The expectations around upper extremity prosthetics for children are different from those for adults. Most children, who need our services, need it due to a congenital deformity (also called dysmelia) or amniotic band syndrome rather than from an amputation.

It is important that the Prosthetist is experienced in fitting children. A bad experience with prosthetics at a young age might lead to a refusal of prosthetic services for a whole life. Having a well-fitting, well-functioning, and cosmetic appealing limb (natural-looking, or colourful) will encourage your child to wear a prosthetic.

Your child might not want to wear a limb from time to time or during different stages while growing up. It is important not to force your child into wearing a limb, it is better to let them discover that they are benefitting from wearing a limb. Some children might wear the prosthetic only at Day Care or in school and take it off when at home. We support each child and family finding their way with prosthetics.

A child born with dysmelia can start wearing a prosthetic limb as early as 6 months old. Depending on the development of the child, by 2-3 years of age prosthetics are available in different sizes. Your child will always be wearing a prosthetic matching his or her age and development. We are certified for the Otto Bock Myolino electric hand and have extensive fitting experience from overseas and in New Zealand.

A good combination with an electric limb is a sport or activity-specific limb which the child can use for playing outside in the sandpit, to learn playing an instrument or succeed in a sport.

For some children, a passive (cosmetic) arm and/or an activity specific prosthesis might be the only prosthetic they need.

We do not recommend harness controlled (body-powered) prosthetics for children as they can lead to unnatural body movements, tension followed by the abandonment of prosthetics altogether.

Funding can be sourced from various other avenues. We may be able to assist you in your application for funding.
